By default, the mouse cursor is hidden. The following instructions provide a method to expose the mouse cursor on Raspberry Pi that's running Menuboard Manager.
Ctrl + alt + t
to open the terminalIn the Terminal type
pm2 stop 0
to stop the appTo show the mouse cursor, you must habilitate it: In the Terminal, type
sudo nano /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf
to open the text editorScroll down until you find a line that says
Comment out the line that says
xserver-command=X -s 0 -dpms -nocursor
by adding a#
at the beginning of the lineUncomment the next line
xserver-command=X -S 0 -dpms
by removing the#
Ctrl O
then Enter to saveCtrl X
to exit the text editorBack in the terminal
sudo reboot